Potty Training
If your child is in the process of potty training we request that the pulls ups have detachable sides. Pull ups with sides that easily open enable the teacher to change your child’s pull up quickly; giving her more time to spend with all the children. This also means that your child’s teacher does not need to remove socks, shoes, pants or shorts (as well as tights and leggings) to change your child.
We also ask that you have a supply of pull ups and wipes, labeled with your child’s name, stored here at CKH. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We want to do all we can to make potty training a positive experience.
We will send a notice home when your child’s supply of pull ups or wipes needs to be replenished.
Nap time
Children will need a crib-size blanket and may bring in a small lovey for rest time. Please store these items in a small bag with your child’s name clearly written on the outside as well as on the bedding. All bedding should be taken home every Friday for laundering.
Children should be dressed in clothing that they can manage themselves. Belts, complicated suspender buckles and extra layers of clothing can make it difficult for a young child to use the toilet independently and can lead to more accidents. Clothing should be comfortable to play in, both indoors and out. Children climb, crawl, paint and dig in the sand at school so be sure to utilize sturdy, washable clothing that can get dirty. Dresses can be difficult to play in, but they can be made more appropriate by wearing shorts or leggings underneath. Sneakers are the most appropriate footwear for running and playing.
At least one complete change of clothing should be brought to school in case of spills or accidents. Include underwear, pants, tops and socks folded in a large zip lock bag with your child’s name on it. Please be sure to put your child’s name on his or her clothing as well. The plastic bag will be used for soiled or wet clothes that need to go home. Please return clean clothing the next day (in a new zip lock) so that your child is prepared for any other spills or accidents.