Payment Policies
2024 School Year Tuition / Security Deposit Rates
Core Hours 5 days weekly: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday $290.00
Core Hours 3 days weekly: Monday, Wednesday, Friday $210.00
Core Hours 2 days weekly: Tuesday, Thursday $165.00
Early drop off daily rate: $10.00/day
After school daily rate: $25.00/day
Online Tuition Pay
If you are a current family and would like to make an online payment towards your child’s tuition, please pay online through your Procare account.
Our Fees
The cost of the total program, from September to June, is divided into weekly payments, which can be paid monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly. The fee is the same regardless of holidays and family vacations and is not refundable or reduced for child absences. A child’s enrollment can be held only by continuous payment of the scheduled fees. (There is no tuition charge for Christmas week or April Vacation Week.)
Families who require after school care must sign up in advance for the days they require care. It is critical that families arrive on time to pick up their child. If a child is picked up after 3:30p.m. the family will automatically be charged for after school care for that day. A PREARRANGED CHARGE OF $1.00 PER MINUTE PER CHILD FOR THE FIRST 10 MINUTES WILL BE REQUIRED OF PARENTS ARRIVING PAST THE 5:30 p.m. CLOSING TIME. STARTING AT 5:40 p.m., THE FAMILY WILL BE CHARGED $5.00 PER MINUTE PER CHILD. You will receive a LATE FEE notice from the Director and this fee will be automatically charged to the child’s account.
Tuition is to be paid on Friday for the following week, or at the beginning of each month if a family is paying monthly. Families may pay by check, money order or credit card. Please make checks payable to Eastern Nazarene College. Credit card payments can be made through our online payment option. A deposit mailbox is located by the front door outside the director’s office. Please contact the director if you face financial difficulties and need to schedule a payment plan. If an account is two weeks in arrears and the parent has initiated no payment plan, the child will be withdrawn from school.