Our Behavior Management Policy
The goal of behavior management is to guide and teach children pro-social behaviors. “Guidance Teaching is character education in its truest political sense, guiding children to develop empathy, self-esteem, and self-control needed to make decisions.” (Kamii)
We believe that children learn best when helped to process information rather than simply being told what not to do. When children act inappropriately we redirect them to positive actions they can take. Our goal is to help them understand how to better handle the situation next time it arises. By asking questions regarding their behavior we are able to understand what they were trying to accomplish, and then guide them to create other options for meeting their goal.
We will be consistent and fair as we respond to inappropriate behaviors and will continually display our love for each individual child. We will seek to help them succeed by offering them opportunities to create classroom rules and by making sure the rules are developmentally appropriate, clear and easy to follow.
Our center staff will at all times be respectful of the children and will show them love while responding to negative behaviors. We will keep each one safe as they either exhibit or witness inappropriate actions. We will never subject children to cruel or severe punishment such as humiliation, verbal or physical abuse, neglect or abusive treatment. We will never use corporal punishment, including spanking. We will not deprive children of meals or snacks; force feed children; or discipline a child for soiling, wetting or not using the toilet. This includes forcing a child to remain in clothing or forcing a child to remain on the toilet, or using any other unusual or excessive practices for toileting.
Referral Procedures
If at any time a parent/guardian has a concern about a child’s activities, behavior, or development, he or she may request a personal meeting with the child’s teacher and/or the director. If Campus Kinder Haus has concerns that a child’s developmental needs are not being appropriately met in the daily program, the child’s behavior is uncontrolled and dangerous to the children or staff, or that the center cannot meet the needs of the parent/guardian, every effort will be made to involve the parents/guardians in the process of identifying the problem and working toward possible solutions.
In this process, the teacher will document immediately in writing the behavior and any other pertinent information throughout the day, schedule a meeting with the parent/guardian and offer referral suggestions of services provided to young children. The director maintains a list of current referral resources (in a referral packet) in the community for children in need of social, mental health, educational and medical services. Included in this list is contact information for the Quincy Early Intervention Program. Campus Kinder Haus will make every effort to assist the parent in finding the most appropriate program for his/her child.
Termination Procedures
As a center staff, we strive to make this school one where every child who enters can succeed. Yet at times issues arise which make it necessary for the center to terminate enrollment. These issues include but are not limited to: excessive or dangerous behaviors; a family’s refusal to seek further professional help; special services which the center cannot accommodate; two consecutive weeks of unpaid tuition; multiple late pick-up; a family’s refusal to return necessary paperwork; disrespectful or discriminatory comments made by a family member towards other children, families or staff; behaviors which make the center unsafe or uncomfortable for other children, families or staff; and refusal to uphold center policies.
The center will work with the family to make this transition as smooth as possible. The director will notify the family of the termination in writing including the reason(s) for termination and efforts the program has made prior to the termination. When possible, the family will be given a two-week notice and the center will follow the typical goodbye routine for the child’s class. The center will also support the family in finding a new center when appropriate. If an immediate termination is necessary, the center will strive to have all of the children’s belongings together at the time of dismissal. If this is not possible, the family can contact the director to set up a time to come and pick up the belongings. The director will have all of the belongings together in the office.