Children enjoy celebrating their birthdays with school friends. If you and your child would like to, your child may bring in a store bought treat (ex. cupcakes,cookies) to share that is in its original package. Please remember that we are a peanut and nut safe school! Please be sure to speak to the teachers a few days ahead of the date. To keep from hurting anyone’s feelings, please do not distribute invitations to parties unless every child in the class is invited.
Parents are encouraged to share their talents, hobbies, or vocations with the children at arranged times. Please speak to the teachers to plan for this. Children also have the opportunity to share their individual interests with their classmates. Teachers allow time for children to discuss activities and events they have enjoyed during circle times and some classrooms plan Show and Tell times. Your child’s teacher can give you more information.
The center provides many new play experiences for the children so it is best to have your child leave his or her personal toys at home. This also helps to prevent issues with sharing. If your child has a special toy he or she would like to show to the class, have him or her bring it in for Show and Tell.